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Company History
How it all started...


1887 Abe Novey is born in Poland. The youngest of two brothers


1903 Arrives in Central PA to work in clay mines


1906  Abe and wife, Ida, start scrap business in Clearfield, PA. He travels by  horse drawn wagon through the streets passing homes and businesses acquiring items such as rags, furniture and metal for recycling or resale 

As the Industrial era is booming,  the next 40 years has family members helping the business through WW1 and WW2. Scrap metal hand loaded onto dump trucks takes a laborous full day to fill a railroad car. The crew is sleeping well at night!

1954  After the Korean War,  Sol, the youngest of 5 children, starts working at Novey's Iron and Steel. Through lots of sweat and grease, the first crane is purchased. "Production" begins for the company. Tractor trailer transport becomes a more viable option for efficiency.

1962  Abe's health is failing. He passes shortly therafter. Sol and wife, Gladys, begin a second generation of  family business.

1978 "Novey Metal Company" is named during the expansion to a second location in Clearfield. Processing different materials with cutting torches, shears and bailers is diversifying the scope of services.

2007 Sol's 54 years of service to family business and community comes to an end. Gladys continues to oversee the company after his death. Their son, Marty and daughter, Alane, help plan with a promise to move into the next generation. Novey Recycling appropiately becomes the updated name as communities are "Going Green".

2011  Novey family completes the modernization and consolidation of company into a corporate structure. Business is growing to outlying areas of the county and state. The century old visionary spirit will continue into the next one!

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